
Accountability summary (+ makeup Inventory)

In reviewing my publish history, I realized that I’ve never when published an annual summary of my Lo-Buy / No-Buy accountability.

These are all of my accountability posts from 2017.
And I believe I understand why… since I’m a sneaky cheat!

Let’s rewind a little.  If you’ve complied with my blog since the early days, you’ll understand that this blog started out as a full-on, hardcore No-Buy for an entire year in 2015.  It seemed rather black as well as white, right? Don’t buy makeup for 365 days, Stashy!

These are examples of me not buying anything for 2015.
But nope, very first I broke the No-Buy only 2 weeks into January, in an event permanently understood as Targetgate™.  Then I proceeded to bend the meaning of what a “No-Buy” means, with swaps (first with Nicola of beauty As I understand It, then with Isabelle of woman with Pink Cheeks) as well as blatant hauling for my birthday.  But, I was able to not partake in either of the spring or autumn Sephora VIB sales, in addition to the Black Friday temptations.

I utilized to provide myself these milestone badges.   This was 250 days of “not buying anything”.

These are all of my accountability posts from 2016.
Fast ahead to 2016 as well as 2017. I’ll group both years together as I believe my behaviour was similar both years.  I was lastly loosening the reins as well as enabled to BUY!  In 2016, I was on a Low-Buy all year, whereas in 2017 I did a hybrid of Low- as well as No-Buy; January was the special month of “Hauluary” where I had no costs restrictions.  Here’s what my monthly budgets were for monthly for the 2 years:

Source: 2016 new focus as well as 2017 new Focus

I should clear up right here that my No-Buys as well as Low-Buys have more to do with not contributing to my already big makeup collection, rather than curbing costs overall.  It’s a nice side impact to save money however it’s not my main goal.  I was seriously running out of area in our condo with all of my beauty products squirreled away in closets, under the bed, as well as even in the living room!

Let’s see exactly how I really fared:

One of the biggest loopholes I had in 2016 as well as 2017 was that makeup bought during vacations didn’t count… as well as as you can imagine, I took advantage of that! (in Japan as well as on the cruise)   as well as let’s be real, the months of January as well as December – I never did tally up what I bought because of Hauluary as well as holiday spending.  however at minimum, I spent $500 each month. That’s basically doubling my full year spend in just those 2 months!  I totally failed my 2016 Low-Buy however I showed enhancement in 2017.

Did you checked out about the report in early 2017, that discovered us women spend $300,000 on makeup as well as skincare over their lifetime?

They estimated that on average, American women take in between $3.50 – $11 each day of skincare as well as makeup on their face.  It depends upon what region of America the women online – I would state Toronto is most similar to new York so let’s state that my everyday usage is $11.  That would mean I’m costs $4,015 a year on makeup as well as skincare!   since my Low- as well as No-Buy was more focused on tallying makeup purchases, if I include skincare; I don’t believe I’m as well far off that figure!

This view only shows my accountability in dollars as well as as I mentioned, this isn’t about money – so let’s have a look at the actual count of my makeup collection over the 3 years that I’ve been blogging.  I based my preliminary count on this publish I made in my very first month of blogging, as well as went with all of my hauls, accountability, trash Stash, as well as purge posts (with recommendation to the tracking in my stock spreadsheet) to show up at the present count.  I included all products that I bought, was provided as gifts, redeemed with points, Back to MAC for, won in giveaways, or bought on vacation – i.e. everything!  I’ve damaged the count by product classification as well as with trending from the beginning of 2015 to present day:

Eye Shadows

N.B.: I count private eye shadow pans, so a quad is counted not as 1 eye shadow, however 4.

Base Products


Check out the steady boost here… I just like blushes.

Lip Products

I’m quite delighted with halving my lip stash.

Lakier do paznokci

I had great intentions to purge more of my nail polishes as well as I still mean to!


Year by year view of all categories:

Of the 6 classifications that I tracked, 3 of them decreased: base makeup (foundations, concealers, as well as powders), lip products (lipsticks, glosses, as well as balms), as well as makeup brushes.  The 3 classifications that increased throughout the years should come as no surprise: eye shadows, blushes, as well as nail polishes.  Those just occur to be my favourite makeup items.

Nerd sufficient for ya?   So what’s the final verdict?

I like to shop for new makeup. #oczywista oczywistość

W moim trzech wyciągniętych podejściach do zmniejszenia mojego makijażu stock – 1) Stop / limit Kupowanie więcej 2) Wykorzystanie tego, co mam, a także 3) Oczyszczam, czego nie używam – kupowanie jest moim pierwszym wierszem obrony. Nigdy nie przestanę kupować makeup – to tylko dana. Jestem bardziej uważany za to, co już teraz jestem właścicielem, a jeśli zamierzam kupić coś nowego, coś starego musi być oczyszczone! (Planuję radzić sobie z polerami do paznokci, a także rumieniec wkrótce) Długotrwałym widokiem jest mieć mniej przychodziło, a także więcej wychodzenia, aby powoli zmniejszyć mój ogólny schowek. Nie mam żadnych limitów kosztów dla siebie w tym roku per se, jednak ustanawiając go właśnie tutaj, widzę naturalny wzór – mam tendencję do ograniczenia moich kosztów na kilka miesięcy wiosny / lata, a także na ramię jesienią / Zima. Jak również jeśli jest jedna rzecz, którą zabrałem ze mną z bloga ze wszystkimi ciągnięciem, panoramowaniem, traskowaniem, a także oczyszczanie – cykl nigdy się nie kończy!

Lubisz haulę? Sprawdź te wspaniałe posty:
• hauluary: 2016 (najpierw po zakupie no-kup, lakier do paznokci, więcej polerków do paznokci, Mac, Zwycięzcy), 2017 (wanna, makijaż i pielęgnacja skóry, lakier do paznokci, powstrzymywał się jeszcze od tego, Hautelook) i 2018
• Hauls urodzinowy: 2015, a także 2016 r. (Pat z tyłu, nie ciągnęłam na moje urodziny w 2017 roku)
• Optymalne odkupienie: 2015, 2016 i 2017
• Sephora VIB sprzedaż: wiosna 2015, jesień 2015, wiosna 2016, jesień 2016, wiosna 2017 i spadek 2017
• Czarny piątek: 2015 No-Kupuj Edition, 2016, 2017
• K-Beauty Houls: 2016, Jolse, a także 2017
• Mac: 137 Pędzel, Powrót do Mac 2015, wreszcie Darmowa szminka iz powrotem do Mac 2016
• W Internecie Hauls: Stopa z rabatem Store Saleevent.ca, Aliexpress, Christmas Prezenty do siebie, Miss A, a także Makeup Geek, Glossier
• przechowywać hauls: zatoka Hudson, zwycięzcy, piękno H & M i Nordstrom

Czy trzymasz zapasy makijażu? Jaką klasyfikacją makijażu posiadasz najbardziej?

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